Railroad Exhibit on Display


Choo!  Choo!  Take a trip to the Nobles County Historical Society’s museum to view their local railroad scene located in the lower level of the War Memorial Building in downtown Worthington.

This spectacular exhibit displays railroad artifacts and features a special display of model trains created by Worthington resident John Galstad. Photographs of all of the railroad depots that have been in Nobles County will also be on display.

45 years ago, Galstad (a native of rural Tracy), began making train kits, he brought 44 of his own pieces into the museum to add to the railroad exhibit.

Galstad still recalls vivid memories when he was a young boy, lying in his bed at night with the windows open, listening to train cars being shuffled around by a 251 Alco (American Locomotive Company) diesel engine.

Galstad began photographing trains when he moved to Worthington. In 1972, he purchased his first train kit and began assembling what would soon grow into a collection.

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