Did you mark your calendar for the St. Anthony Church Bazaar and Auction? It will be held on September 9th. An excellent meal, fun games and unique auction items. Bingo and grab bags have been added to the line up this year. Good company and a few laughs are a sure deal!
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Lorang, daughter of Tom and Molly of Morton. She was selected as one of the 2018 MN 4-H State Ambassadors. One of her duties is to promote positive youth development for the next year. Kaitlyn was interviewed by WCCO talk radio on Monday morning. Grandmother Ruth Lorang is always proud of her grandchildren.
Debby and Frank Wieneke were weekend guests in the home of their son, Darin Wieneke and his wife, Maria Vu. They enjoyed time with their granddaughters, Adrian and Kaia, and also attended the MN State Fair.
Weekend guests in the Bruce and Brenda Loosbrock home were Cappy Cyphert of Kansas
City, KS and Mariah Mollman of Oklahoma City, OK. The gals came to visit the Loosbrock’s daughter, Shelly, as they were former college roommates at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. Cappy and Mariah were first time visitors to Minnesota! What better place to experience “Minnesota Nice” than at the Loosbrock home!
Last week, Jerry and Mary Kellen spent a few days at the lake home of their son, Mike and Rhonda Kellen of Jordan. The lake home is located near Minong, WI and has been named “Pleasant Home Lodge”. Other guests during the week included Kayla and Nick Weber, Alex and Claire of Burnsville and John, Ann and Amber Kellen of Waconia.
Brenda Loosbrock, Stephani Diekmann, and Deb Lutmer all of Ct. St. Bernard #886 of Lismore attended the MN State Catholic Daughter summer workshop “Joyfully Lead the Way for Minnesota CDA” in St. James on Sunday. Catholic Daughters from Adrian, Wilm
ont, Marshall, St. Peter, Medford, Currie, Slayton, Pipestone, Waseca and Blue Earth enjoyed the presentations and fellowship following morning Mass with Fr. Timothy Hall, former pastor of our parish cluster. The Catholic Daughters are ready to begin a new year and invite any Catholic woman, age 18 or older, to join one of the largest international organizations of Catholic women in the world.
Congratulations to Christina and Travis Grindeland on their marriage. The couple was married on Saturday, August 18th at the Round Lake Vineyards. Christina is the daughter of Bill and Raevette Loonan.
Jim and Angeline Reisdorfer were happy to greet Anita Reisdorfer and her daughter, Julie last week. Jim’s brother, Dale passed away two years ago, and his wife and daughter came from Texas and Colorado for a visit. Randy and Mary Reis
dorfer hosted a supper in their
home in Adrian on Monday evening. Other guests included Jill, Eve, and Briggs Apple; Bill and Carolyn Elias; and Renee Peterson. They dined at Countryside Inn on Tuesday evening with Randy and Mary Reisdorfer; Rick Reisdorfer; Ron and Jeri Reisdorfer; Shirley Reisdorfer; Bruce and Linda Reisdorfer, and Renee Peterson. They shared so many memories together and it was a great time with family.
Alivia Marie Henning was baptized during Mass at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church on Saturday, August 25th. Alivia is the daughter of Joe and Ashley Henning. Her Godparents are Jared and Ashley Baszler of Brookings, SD and Austyn Thier of Adrian. Grandparents and Great-grandparents witnessing the baptism were: Alan and Ellen Henning, Jon and Jodi Thier, Veryl and Avis Stoffel and Virgil and Alice Cook.