Lismore News 07-08-2020

Earlier this month, Jack Baszler, son of Jared and Ashley of Brookings, SD, was awarded 1st place in the SD Junior GA, for ages 9 and under, in Brookings, SD, with a score of 37 and he shot a 44 for a 3rd place finish in Watertown last Monday.  The golfers play each week in area towns.  Jack is the grandson of Alan and Ellen Henning and the great-grandson of Veryl and Avis Stoffel.

Dave and Deb Lutmer spent June 26 and 27 in the home of his brother, Randy and Barb Lutmer in Louisville, KY.

McKenna Leinen will be guest of honor at an unusual bridal shower on Saturday, July 11th. From 9-10:30 a.m., McKenna will be on the front porch of the family home to greet guests who drive or walk by, honk, sing, or wave. Be creative!! McKenna is the bride-to-be of Blake Brockey and the daughter of Ken and Vickie Leinen. They are registered at Target and Amazon.

The City of Lismore reports it is “that time of year again”-  Mosquito Time.  The City has contracted for spraying of the pesky insects so residents can enjoy outdoor time.

Reese Victoria was baptized on June 19, at St. Anthony Parish.  Reese is the daughter of Travis and Christina (Loonan) Grindeland of Lakeville.  Proud grandparents and godparents are Bill and Raevette Loonan.

“When you donate blood, you help save lives. It’s one of the greatest gifts that you can give. It may only be a pint of blood for you, but for a patient in need it can mean the difference between life and death.” Mark your calendar for the American Red Cross Bloodmobile, which will be in Lismore on Tuesday, July 28th, collecting from 2:00-7:00 p.m. and in Adrian on Wednesday, July 29th.

Congratulations to Josh and Samantha (Weidert) Petersen of Lake Benton on the birth of their son, Brantlen David on May 18.  He is welcomed home by his sisters Chevelle and Ebony.  Maternal grandparents are Jerry Weidert, Jr. of Lismore and Rhonda Doom of Canby and Angie Klaassen of Worthington. Great-grandparents are Jerome and Mary Weidert of Lismore.

At a recent pastoral Council Meeting for the St. Adrian Cluster, it was decided that the Rural Life Celebration originally scheduled for this summer would be postponed until spring.  The Pastoral Council also postponed the fall dinners for 2020 of St. Adrian, St. Anthony, and OLGC.