Funds raised so far: $33,021
Goal: $80,000
“Wait until Harvest is over. But have you talked to the elevator?”
I have had many people approach me about making a donation to the Library renovation project, and many of them have said: “Wait until harvest is over.” With this being a farming community/area, I completely understand.
The other question, “Have you talked to the elevator?” took me by surprise. The New Vision Coop Elevator in Adrian is already letting us use their space for as long as is needed. I didn’t want to ask them for anything else. The farmers who suggested I speak to the grain elevators said that it was not uncommon for farmers to donate some of their grain money to local charitable causes.
“That’s how a lot of churches used to get money for operating expenses or special projects,” explained Pastor Timothy Barr, who also works at the elevator with Manager John Palaschak. John was extremely helpful by getting me in contact with the New Vision office. Both men also suggested that I try other grain elevators in the area.
At this point in time, the New Vision Elevators in Adrian and Lismore, and the Cooperative Farmer’s Elevator in Rushmore have all said they’d be happy to help with this. We have it set up so that farmers can donate whatever amount they would like to go toward the Adrian Branch Library Renovation Project at any one of those three elevators.
REMEMBER: ALL donations are tax deductible! You will receive a receipt for your contribution, to be added to your tax paperwork next year.
Please consider a donation to the Adrian Branch Library Renovation Project. We still have quite a ways to go before we reach our goal.
Donations can be:
1) Dropped off at the Adrian Library
2) Mailed to the Library at: 214 Maine Ave., PO Box 39, Adrian, MN 56110
3) Dropped off at the Adrian State Bank;
4) Dropped off at the State Bank of Lismore;
5) Online donations can be made by visiting our website and following the link:
Checks must be made out to: LACF
(In memo write: Adrian Library Project.)
(LACF = Lismore Area Community Foundation, which is the sponsor/fiscal agent. This sponsorship makes it possible for every donation to be used exclusively for the Adrian Branch Library Renovation Project. Thank you, LACF!)