Letter to the Editor by the Adrian Board of Education 12-26-18

Dear Editor,

This past summer the Board authorized CSI, an engineering consulting firm, to do a comprehensive Long Term Facilities Maintenance assessment study. The scope of the study included; Adrian Elementary, which was built in 1954 with an addition in 2000,  Adrian Middle/High School with sections built in 1936, 1955, 1963,1981, and 2003.

The goal of the study was two fold.  First, to identify repair and maintenance issues for both buildings regarding the building site, building envelope, building mechanical and safety systems.  Second, to use that information as a basis to develop a 10-year comprehensive facilities maintenance plan to assist the Board with budget planning and resource allocation.

The results from the study were presented to the Board in November.  In summary, the future facilities repair and maintenance needs over the next ten years is estimated at 6.2 million dollars.  Revenue from the State for facilities maintenance is estimated at 2.1 million dollars over that ten-year period.  That leaves a funding gap of 4.1 million dollars.

Projected expenditures for facilities are as follows:  It is estimated that 2.6 million dollars will be needed for roof repair.  Approximately $933,000, will be needed for mechanical system upgrades. The 1955 boilers at the Elementary are one of most urgent needs and will cost estimated $383,000 to replace.  The rest of our needs focus on maintenance and repair to: windows, tuck pointing, parking lots, sidewalks, flooring, plumbing and electrical and safety upgrades.

It is unlikely that the State will come up with additional funds for facilities so the Board is must consider how to make up the funding gap to meet these needs.  Our options to raise revenues for maintenance are limited to some form of local tax such as passing a referendum or levying a special type of maintenance bond.

The District has a substantial investment in brick and mortar and we are proud and thankful for the facilities we have. The District needs the support of District residents to  help maintain our aging school facilities; this is a local issue in which tax dollars are used in a practical way to meet essential needs.

As always, please feel free to contact any of us if you have questions or concerns.


The Adrian Board of Education: Ed Lenz, Chris Wolf, Robert Kunkel Jr., Lisa Kruger, Les Madison,  and David Bullerman