Legion Seeks Return of Flags


As members of Argonne Post 32 of the American Legion in Adrian, we have a common bond.  We are all veterans of military service.  When you see the American Flags placed on either side of Maine Street on the light poles, it is our organization that puts them there.

To some, a flag is just organized color on a piece of fabric.  But as veterans, we see so much more when the Stars and Stripes are flying.  We served under that Flag, and many of us were fortunate enough to see that symbol flying over foreign soil.  The same Flag that instills pride in so many, also drapes the coffins of those killed in action and those who have served this country. Trust us, the sight of that Flag over a military base on the other side of the world is a great thing!  It means home to so many that are sacrificing for all of us.

Last Friday we posted our Flags on Maine Street for the yearly celebration.  Later that night, several of them went missing.  We can only assume that somebody decided to liberate them from their holders.  As veterans, we hope that if anyone knows who may have moved our Flags that you either find a way to return them to the Legion or, in the least, fly them respectfully.  Please do not desecrate them.

Countless men and women have lost their lives in the defense of our nation.  Though we do not worship the Flag, we do everything we can to honor it and all it stands for.  To us, it is a living symbol and one that has given hope to millions of oppressed people around the globe, from the World Wars to smaller conflicts.

The members of Argonne Post 32 would appreciate any and all help in getting their flags back.

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