Legal – Summons September 14


Legal Notice

State of Minnesota
County of Cottonwood

District Court
Judicial District: Fifth

Court File Number: 17-Jv-16-58
Case Type: Juvenile


In Re the Welfare of the Child(ren) of:

Isis Rivera-Diaz, Mother and Francisco Javier Garza, Father

To: Isis Rivera Diaz, Mother

Please take notice that a Petition was filed with this Court on June 27, 2016, alleging that the parental rights of the child of the above named be terminated.

The court has set October 25, 2016 at 4:00 pm. as the date and time before the Honorable Christina Wietzema, Courtroom on the 2nd floor, Cottonwood County District Court, PO Box 97, Windom MN 56101 as the place for the hearing on this matter.

You are hereby summoned and required to appear at the hearing on the date and time indicated above. If you fail to appear at the hearing:

The hearing may take place in your absence; The court may find you in contempt of court, may issue a warrant for your arrest, or both; The court may find that the statutory grounds set forth in the petition have been proved; The court may enter an order granting the relief requested in the petition, which may include removing the child from the home of the parent or legal custodian and placing the child in foster care, other proceedings for out-of-home placement of the child, or terminating the parental rights to the child who is the subject of the petition.

Dated: September 7, 2016

Sonja Kruger,
Court Administrator

Staci Veenker,
Deputy Court Administrator

9-14, 9-21, 9-28

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