Legal – Ellsworth School Board – Dec 28

Legal Notice


School Library

Ellsworth, Minnesota

Monday, November 21, 2016

Chairman Schilling called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A roll call revealed all members present. The Board of Education opened the meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

  Staff present:  John Willey, John Widvey, Darcey Groen, Leah Deutsch & Hanna Hemme.

  Visitors present:  Lindsay Jenniges, Becca Dreesen, Korey Meester, Dawn Meester, & Dave Friedrichsen with Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co.

  A motion was made by Goedken and seconded by Kruse to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 17, 2016 and the special meeting held on November 11, 2016. Motion carried.

  The Board of Education reviewed the Student Activity Fund.

  Mr. Willey’s report included information on student count, Parent Aware School, NHS Induction on Monday, Nov. 28, Veteran’s Day Program, CTE meeting report, NCIC report, & Mural paintings to be done by the Art Dept.

  Dave Friedrichsen with Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co. reported on the FY16 School District Audit. A motion was made by Werner and seconded by Goedken to approve the audit as presented. Motion carried.

  The Board of Education reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made by Goedken and seconded by Kruse to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.

  A motion was made by Kruse and seconded by Boyenga to approve the bills.  Motion carried.

  Mr. Willey presented information on Chromebook purchases. A motion was made by Boltjes and seconded by Schilling to purchase 40 Chromebooks using REAP funds. Motion carried.

  Mr. Willey presented fuel bids for the winter. A motion was made by Boltjes and seconded by Kruse to accept the bid from Adrian Coop in the amount of $1.65/gallon for approximately 20,000 gallons of fuel. Motion carried.

  Mr. Willey presented a contract for off-site data backup with the SW/WC Service Cooperative in the amount of $900/yr. A motion was made by Goedken and seconded by Kruse to approve the contract with the SW/WC Service Cooperative for off-site data backup. Motion carried.

  Mr. Willey presented a contract with Ethan Van Briesen as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach. A motion was made by Goedken and seconded by Boyenga to approve the contract with Ethan Van Briesen as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach. Motion carried.

  Mr. Willey presented a contract with Robert Wood as evening custodian. A motion was made by Boltjes and seconded by Kruse to approve the contract with Robert Wood as evening custodian. Motion carried.

   There being no further business Chairman Cliff Schilling called for a motion to adjourn.  A motion was made by Goedken and seconded by Schilling to adjourn.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

  Respectfully submitted,

Ellsworth District 514 School Board Clerk
