Ole and Lena went to a lawyer to see about getting a divorce. “How old are you folks?” asked the lawyer.
“Vell, I’m 90 and Lena is 89,” said Ole.
“How come you are getting a divorce NOW?” asked the lawyer.
Said Ole; “Ve vanted to vait ’til al da kids were dead.”
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Johnson and Svensen were flying an airplane when the engine conked out. They decided to bail out so Johnson jumped first. His chute opened and he was sailing down with ease. Svensen jumped out but his chute wouldn’t open. When he passed Johnson, quick as a flash Johnson started unbuckling his chute straps, remarking, “Oh, you want to race, do you?”
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Be sure to take the time on this Memorial Day weekend to honor our nation’s veterans.
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Congratulations to all area graduates.
Have a good week!