Jottings by Jerry – 3-14-18

I missed a lot of the snowstorms this winter and don’t feel too bad about it. I like the look of snow with its pure white blanket covering everything. The soft quiet that cancels most noise creates a void that pulls at your soul. A long walk in this environment cures most things troubling you. We usually have a wind with our snow which turns thoughts quickly to survival. Take time to enjoy the gentle snows. I did spend a good share of February with my feet in the sand south of the border. Tranquility there is walking the beach with constant wave action and the occasional call of a shore bird. Sand and snow can be comforting. The sand beach does not have the long periods of shoveling following the snow nor the wind that means you will be reshoveling the same snow in a never ending round of shoveling. But you know all that. Our vacation was very good. It started in the hills west of Guadalajara. Then a bus trip over the mountains and downtown Puerta Vallarta. No, there were no chickens on the bus but they did have very comfortable seats much like my recliner at home.

We have never felt uncomfortable or threatened in anyway in México we have been in all of the public transportation and we have tried them all except Uber. Yes there are plenty of warnings out about the travels south but they are targeted to Spring Break and keeping that money in the country. There are millions of dollars in tax money at stake.

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The Devil shows up in church and everyone runs out but an old man. The Devil says, “Why don’t you run, aren’t you afraid of me?”

Old man says, “Nope, married your sister!”

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Have a good week!!