Jottings by Jerry 08-22-18

August is winding down. September will bring the changing of seasons, the routine of school and the thoughts of the harvest. It is a good time of year. It brings the hunting season and the fishing is good too.

My fishing this past weekend was on Little Winnie on the Mississippi River down river from the big lake. We caught a couple of walleyes and the perch were biting. It was a great weekend. Northern Minnesota has been pretty dry. The crops are suffering, the grass is brown and the trees drooping with a coat of dust. It did rain Sunday night/Monday morning and was looking much better. The rain in Southwestern Minnesota freshened the country and never hurt a thing.

My Wise Old Aunt has always had a bit of wisdom to share over the years and there should have been a record of her wit.

”A man or a quilt will keep you warm on a cold winter night but a quilt will never say anything stupid .”

I don’t always understand what she’s talking about and sometimes I suspect there might be some male bashing.

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A Sunday school teacher asked her little children, as they were on the way to church service, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?”

One bright little girl replied, “Because people are sleeping.”

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Have a good week.