Jottings 3-28-18

It was just another late season snowstorm Friday night/Saturday morning. It was a heavy snow laced with some ice, rain and wind. Clean up was difficult and limited to just enough to make it a lot of work. The amounts varied from eight to twelve inches. It shoveled like twenty. We will have a spring of soft roads and plenty of run off. It makes the idea of dandelions and grass seem pleasant. Monday’s rain and ice isn’t the way to recovery but our hope is warmer weather by the time you read this.

I lost my iPhone Saturday while playing with the snow. I thought it would be in my truck so I wasn’t worried but when I got home after checking the truck I went thru my clothes, tried calling the phone, nothing. I fired up the Find iPhone app on the iPad and it showed the location on the north side of my building up town. So I dressed for the great outdoors again, enlisted the help of the boss and we were searching. She called my phone from the comfort of the truck and I could hear a muffled ring. It was in the gutter resting in six inches of slush. Life was good again.

I have the youngest son in Israel this week. They have been there a week visiting all the sights and should be back in a few days. They do like to travel

It is Easter week. May the holiday week find you and your family together and in good health.

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I was patiently waiting at the customer service desk for my turn. I had come back to return a pair of jeans that were too tight.

“Is something wrong with them?” the teenage clerk asked me.

“Yes,” I replied. “They hurt my feelings.”

The clerk had no response for me.

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“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” – Dorothy Fisher –

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Have a good week!!