Legal Notice
Ellsworth, Minnesota
Monday, November 18, 2019
In the absence of Chairperson Angie Boyenga, Vice-Chairman Randy Buntjer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Board of Education opened the meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call revealed all members present except Angie Boyenga.
Staff present: John Willey, Darcey Groen, Judy Huisman, Jaysa Saumer & Jen Huisman.
Visitors: Dawn Meester, Brian Kruse, Jean Onken, Cliff Schilling, & Dave Friedrichsen with Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co.
A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Dreesen to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Heikes to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 22, 2019 and the minutes of the special meeting held on November 8, 2019. Motion carried.
Dave Friedrichsen with Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co. presented the FY19 School District Audit. A motion was made by Kruse and seconded by Jenniges to approve the FY19 School District Audit as presented. Motion carried.
The Board of Education reviewed the Student Activity Fund. Mr. Willey presented information on changes in the student activity funding.
Becca Dreesen reported on these items for the Ellsworth PTO: Christmas gifts for students, dance camp, & annual raffle will be Jan. 23. Next meeting will be December 10.
Mr. Willey’s reported included information on student count, update on basketball, December 16 board meeting will begin at 5:30, truth in taxation hearing will begin at 6:00, Financial Aid meeting will be Nov. 25, high school music concert will be on Dec. 9, elementary music concert will be on Dec. 16, and he presented a report from 1st grade and Social Studies.
Darcey Groen presented the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Heikes to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Jenniges to approve the bills. A roll call vote was taken. The following voted in favor: Kruse, Buntjer, Jenniges, Dreesen & Heikes. The following voted against: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey suggested changing the dates of the January & February board meetings as they fall on legal holidays. A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Heikes to set the following dates and times:
Wednesday, January 22nd at 5:00 pm
Wednesday, February 19th at 5:00 pm Motion carried.
Jill Kruse made a motion to rescind the vote from the Oct. 22nd board meeting concerning the motion that was made on an employee allegation. She stated that there was not enough time to review the information on the allegation. There was no second to the motion therefore the motion failed.
Mr. Willey presented the 1st reading of the following policies:
Policy 404 Employee Background Checks
Policy 405 Veteran’s Preference
Policy 407 Employee Right to Know – exposure to Hazardous Substances
Policy 409 Employee Publications, Instructional Materials, Inventions & Creations
A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Jenniges to approve the 1st reading of these policies. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented more information on a resignation that was submitted late and discussed the penalty procedure for staff that turn in late resignations. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Heikes to charge the employee for the advertising costs. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented a donation from Teal’s Market for the purchase of items for the Panther store and a donation to the Volleyball fund. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Heikes to accept the donations as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented resignations from Mike Palm as Head Girls Basketball coach, Brett Heikes as Assistant Girls Basketball coach and Jody Hinrichs as evening custodian. Jill Kruse read her letter of resignation as School Board Clerk. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Jenniges to accept the resignations. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented a donation in the amount of $25 for the music program. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Kruse to accept the donation for the music program. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented a report for buildings & grounds submitted by Mike Nolte.
There being no further business Vice Chairman Randy Buntjer called for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Heikes and seconded by Dreesen to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellsworth District 514 School Board Clerk
Darcey Groen
Ellsworth Public School
District 514
513 S. Broadway St.
P.O. Box 8
Ellsworth, MN 56129