Ellsworth News – July 13


Saturday visitor with Sweer, Florence and Sharon Arends was Marvella Klaahsen, Sibley, IA.

Pat Birkett and grandson Derek Braley Richmond, VA spent Sunday with great-grandma, Ruth Birkett.  Derek has been here for two weeks and returned home on Tuesday.

On Friday, Nancy McCuen, Omaha ,NE and Mary Bertacini, Oakland, IA spent time in the Ellsworth area.  They attended Mass and the social gathering at Parkview Manor Nursing Home.  They had lots of questions about the Sisterman descendants.

Joe and Ann Sisterman were their great grandparents. Bill Deutsch took them out to St Mary’s cemetery to the stones, to see what information they could find regarding their ancestors.

Sweer, Florence and Sharon Arends attended the Sunday School picnic at the First Baptist Church near George, IA.

It was reported that over the week-end many people had as much as two inches of rain, most of it on Sunday.

How do you feel about the crop of “earwigs” we have this year ????

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