Ellsworth News – Dec 14


Well the calendar does not indicate Winter until Wednesday the 21st of December.  The nice beautiful Fall is over.  An Artic cold front has moved into the area and does not appear to be moving out very fast.  We also have had lots of wind and about three inches of snow.

Was great to see the Vikings win today.  The Vikings have a number of injuries, but the ones noticed the most are Bridgewater and Peterson.

Visitors with Sweer, Florence and Sharon Arends on Sunday were Glen and Barb Arends, Lester, IA and Erwin and Lori Arends, Little Rock ,IA.  They helped Sweer celebrate a belated 95th Birthday, which was on December 6, 2016.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEER !!!

Dave Wiertzema, Adrian was a Wednesday morning visitor with Jim Mulder.

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