Ellsworth News 07-22-20

Have you been down the main street of Ellsworth lately?  The new city hall is quite impressive. They hope to have the Clerk and City Office moved in August.  The second phase has been started.  The third phase will wait until money is raised and until this COVID-19  has settled down the fund raisers have been put on hold.

Sunday evening visitors with Jan Stoll were Joel Vis and Kenley Korthals of Rock Rapids, IA.

The good news is the corn is tasseling with this humid weather. The bad news no one visits family or friends cause it is to hot. We are home bound because of the virus and the caution we must take to protect ourselves.

I recently over heard from a conversation between a small child and her mother.  “Mom if this COVID-19 virus is like a flu-bug, why don’t we all get fly swatters and start killing the bugs?”

Remember all that need prayers during this difficult time !!!

Be safe and WEAR YOUR MASK !!!!!