Ellsworth News 03-11-20

Mary Kay Setness, Connecticut was in the area to help her mother Adeline Boelman celebrate her 97th birthday,

Mimi Drenth, Rock Rapids IA spent Saturday afternoon with her mother Ruth Birkett and brother Skip Birkett.

Sunday visitors with Sweer, Florence and Sharon Arends were Glen and Barb Arends, Lester IA; Keith and Marvella

Klaahsen, Sibley IA. Erwin and Lori Arends, Little Rock IA. They helped Florence  celebtate her 98th birthday.

Denny and Elaine Klingenberg, Sioux Falls, SD were

Thursday afternoon visitors with Jan Stoll.

Keep in mind all of the people suffering physical, mentally and spiritually.  Those that are grieving because of loss of their loved ones and friends.


Zion Presbyterian announcements

*CHANGE OF WORSHIP TIMES: Please mark your calendars because on March 29th our worship times will be different. Just for this one Sunday, Zion will worship at 9:00 am and First/Emmanuel will worship at 10:30 am so that First/Emmanuel can host a farewell potluck following worship.

*FAREWELL PARTY: Zion will host an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, April 5th from 2:00-4:00 pm at Zion Presbyterian Church. Everyone is welcome to join us as we honor Pastor Paul!!

*LENTEN SERVICES: This year all of our Lenten services will rotate between all three churches. Here is our schedule for all of our midweek Lenten services.

Wednesday, March 11th – at First. Light supper at 6:00 pm with Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, March 18th – at Zion. Light supper at 6:00 pm with Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, March 25th – at Emmanuel. Light supper at 6:00 pm with Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, April 1st – at First. Light supper at 6:00 pm with Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

Thursday, April 9th at Emmanuel. Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm. (No supper)

Friday, April 10th at Zion. Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm. (No supper).