Detours extended on Highway 91 project

MANKATO, Minn. – The detours for the Highway 91 project north of Adrian will remain in place longer than expected due to changes in the contractor’s schedule.

The (stage one) detour between Adrian and Lismore (Nobles County Roads 35, 15 and 16) was expected to be removed around October 4 and will now be extended to around October 12.

The second (stage 2) detour between Lismore and Lake Wilson, which consists of Nobles County Road 15, Murray County Road 29 and Highway 30 was expected to be in place until mid-October and has now been extended to November 1.

A third Highway 91 detour that has been in place throughout the project between Highway 14 and Russell should be removed by November 1.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation informs the traveling public that Highway 91 needs to be open by November 15, 2019 or the contractor will be fined a penalty for each day it is not open.

The construction project includes bridge replacements and rural box culvert construction that requires detouring Highway 91. Resurfacing will be completed as well as sidewalk and driveway improvements in Adrian and Lake Wilson and additional lighting at rural intersections. The expected project completion date is June, 2020.

This 45 mile-long construction job completes Highway 91 projects planned in both MnDOT District 7 – Mankato (Nobles County) and MnDOT District 8 – Willmar (Murray and Lyon County).