For Sale

 1996 Ford Mustang, and 1998 Chev. Cavalier Convertible.

Call 507-425- 2877 after 3 p.m. F-6-14*

Acreage and Farm Land

Located at 10489 270th St, Adrian, MN:  Acreage and Farm Land-House, outbuildings and cattle yards on approximately 10 acres south of Magnolia. A 390 acre farm with 349 tillable acres of highly productive farm ground also for sale. Acreage can be sold separately or with the farm ground.  See Craigslist posting for more  details and pictures:  or call 605-940-3225



spring lambs for sale.  Parents have thrown triplets last two springs. Call 507- 220-0539.

Golf Clubs

2 Sets of mens golf clubs with 2 wheel carts, 1 – $75, 1 – $100. Call after 3 p.m. 507-425-2877. F-5-3,10*

City of Fulda Accepting Sealed Bids

The City of Fulda will be accepting sealed bids for a 1989 Case 580K Industrial 4 x 4 tractor with loader, 4 in 1 clam bucket with 7143 hours. Submit bids by 4:00 p.m. May 1st, 2017 to City of Fulda, PO Box 372, Fulda, MN 56131. Bids will be opened May 1, 2017 at the 7:00 City Council meeting. The City of Fulda reserves the right to reject any or all bids. F-4-26