Margaret (Wessels) Spieker died on Saturday November 16, 2019 at the age of 91. Our…
Ellsworth Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Nov. 27th at 7:00 p.m. at Bethel…
Sympathy to the Fred Huisman family. Fred died on Monday November 4, 2019. He was…
The Ellsworth American Legion and Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday November 13,…
Visitors with Jim Mulder this week were Orvel Ohling, Rock Rapids, IA; Carol Mulder, Bridget…
Mimi Drenth, from Rock Rapids, IA was a Saturday visitor and Dr. Paul and Mary…
Robert (Bob) Kellen, Lakefield, MN died on October 10, 2019 at the age of 77.…
After several community meetings in both Ellsworth and Adrian and after several coaches meetings, the…
Our sympathy to the Doug Domeyer family. Doug was a class member of EHS 1964. …
By Deb Kroon Review Staff Writer On Tuesday, October 1, the Ellsworth City Council met…