Legal Notice
JUNE 15, 2020
Board Chair Wolf called the regular meeting of the Adrian Board of Education to order at 6:00 P.M. on June 15, 2020. Members present: Bullerman, Kruger, Kunkel, Lenz, Madison, Wieneke and Wolf. Also present were Superintendent Graff, Principal Koehne, Dean of Students Schettler, staff members J Kruger, M Cook, J Henning, Nobles County Review Representative Deb Kroon, Superintendent elect Schilling and community member Mark Lonneman
No Board Members were absent.
Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Wieneke to amend the agenda Adding resignation and Maternity Leave request to the consent agenda and adding items J under the Superintendent’s report, motion carried.
Mike Cook presented the building and grounds report. Presented a request to purchase a cleaning machine for use in the bathrooms. Board members requested additional information before a decision to be made.
Currently taking on the duties as groundskeeper.
Reviewed the Consent Agenda items consisting of the minutes of the May 18, 2020 board meeting, the Claims and Accounts for May 2020, and the May 31, 2020 Reports, Resolution Accepting Donations from Cox Realty in the amount of $500 towards the Landon Rogers Scholarship, and Luverne Area Community in the amount of $400 towards the General Account, Resolution Accepting Tax Abatements from J & D Bullerman and B & L Croat, and to approve revised District Policies: Policy 401 – Equal Employment Opportunity, Policy 402 – Disability Nondiscrimination Policy, Policy 520 – Student Surveys, Policy 521 – Student Disability Nondiscrimination, Policy 522 – Student Sex Nondiscrimination, Policy 528 – Student, Parental, Family and Marital Status Nondiscrimination, and Sexual, Religious and Racial Harassment Policy, Staff Resignation from Mike Crow as Groundskeeper, and a maternity leave request from J Slater beginning approximately September 1. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Madison to approve the consent agenda items, following a roll call vote of members, motion carried.
Mrs. Koehne, Mr. Schettler and Mr. Kruger presented the Elementary Dean of Student’s Report, MS/HS Principal’s report and Activities Director’s report
Presented a request from the Age-Friendly Community Building Team for use of the tennis courts. Motion by Kruger, seconded by Kunkel to approve request, motion carried.
Mr. Schettler presented and explained to change the Elementary grading for grades 3-5 for P.E., Music, Technology and Library. The Board gave consent to these changes.
Mrs. Koehne announced that the community is one of the finalists in the 2020 American Farmers Grow Rural Education Program grant of $15,000.
Presented information on the CARES Funding.
Mr. Kruger presented a coaching resignation from Mr. Williamson as Head Golf coach. Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Bullerman to accept resignation, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented a coaching resignation from Mr. VanBriesen for Boys Basketball. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Wieneke to accept resignation, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented a coaching resignation from Miss Albrecht as Middle School Volleyball coach. Motion by Madison, seconded by Kunkel to accept resignation, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented a request to hire Ms. Gunnick from Ellsworth Public School as the Assistant Girls Basketball coach. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Kruger to accept request, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented a request to hire Mr. B. Henning from Ellsworth Public School as the Head Golf coach. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Kunkel to accept request, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented a request to hire Mr. C. Henning and Mr. D. Elias as Co-assistant Golf Coaches. Motion by Madison, seconded by Kruger to accept request, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger gave Community Ed update, requested a stipend to the youth baseball coaches at $250. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kunkel to approve request, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger requested to pay the youth baseball umpires a stipend of $30 for home plate, $15 field, and $40 if one umpire is utilized. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Wieneke to approve request, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the Superintendent’s report:
Mr. Graff presented the commercial insurance renewal for the District, showing the increase in premium is mostly due to the Worker’s Compensation calculations that are based on payroll. Motion by Wieneke, seconded by Kunkel to approve renewal, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the bids for Heating Fuel Oil and Propane, which will be due by the July meeting. Following discussion it was decided to publish two separate bids. Motion by Madison, seconded by Wieneke to approve the Heating Fuel bid request, motion carried. Motion by Kruger, seconded by Kunkel to approve the Propane bid request, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the Designation of an Identified Official with authority for Education Identity Access Management. Recommending the Board authorize Molly Schilling. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Bullerman to approve the Identified Official with Authority, motion carried.
Board Chair Wolf presented the At-Will employee terms of employment with a 5.5 percent increase. This increase is to align with the Teacher’s Union and Local 578 agreements that were finalized in 2019, along with amending the paid holiday’s to align with the other agreements. Motion by Madison, seconded by Kunkel to approve employment agreements, motion carried.
Motion by Kruger, seconded by Kunkel to table the Resolution for Technology Leasing with Kinetic Leasing until final bills are received and lease can be written up, motion carried.
Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison to table the Resolution for Band Instruments Leasing with Kinetic Leasing until final bills are received and lease can be written up, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the 2020-2021 budget showing revenues at $7,812,676 and expenditures at $7,804,870. Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Wieneke to approve the budget, motion carried.
Mr. Graff recommended to increase the breakfast and lunch prices by 5 cents for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison, motion carried.
Mr. Graff reviewed the 2020 Election timeline with three board members terms due.
Board Chair Wolf requested that the board open up the facilities for usage from outside groups. Back in March the District closed facilities due to Covid-19 and Minnesota Department of Health recommendations. Motion by Kruger, seconded by Kunkel to open up the District’s facilities, motion carried.
Board members and Mark Lonneman bid a farewell to Superintendent Graff on his retirement.
Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison to adjourn the June meeting of the Adrian Board of Education at 7:02 P.M., motion carried.