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Adrian Public School
ISD 511
Adrian, MN 56110
School Board
February 24, 2020
Board Chair Wolf called the regular meeting of the Adrian Board of Education to order at 6:00 P.M. on February 24, 2020. Members present: Bullerman, Kruger, Kunkel, Lenz, Madison, Wieneke and Wolf. Also present were Superintendent Graff, Principal Koehne, Dean of Students Schettler, staff members Kruger, Lonneman and Lynn.
No Board Members were absent.
Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Bullerman to amend the agenda adding item E Food for Thought Guidelines to the Superintendent’s Report and move up Item 6C Revised 2019-2020 Budget on the agenda and to approve the agenda, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the building and grounds report.
Reported a van versus deer collision, with no injuries to the driver or passengers.
Requesting to advertise for an on-call fill in substitute custodian for the months of October through April. Motion by Wieneke, seconded by Kunkel, to advertise and hire qualified employee, motion carried.
Reviewed the Consent Agenda items consisting of the minutes of the January 27, 2020 board meeting, the Claims and Accounts for January 2020, and the January 31, 2020 Reports. Motion by Madison, seconded by Lenz to approve the consent agenda items, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented and explained the revised budget for the 2019-2010 school year. Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Kruger to accept the revised budget, motion carried.
Mrs. Koehne, Mr. Schettler and Mr. Kruger presented the Elementary Dean of Student’s Report, MS/HS Principal’s report and Activities Director’s report
Presented the Amended 2020 Nobles County Integration Collaborative at $62,988. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kunkel to accept the revised budget, motion carried.
Presented the Proposed 2021 Nobles County Integration Collaborative Budget at $62,980. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison to approve the 2021 budget, motion carried.
Presented and explained the Achievement and Integration Plan for the Nobles County Integration Collaborative. Motion by Lenz, seconded by Madison to accept the plan, motion carried.
Presented a request for four unpaid personal days for Mrs. Sells. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kunkel to approve request, motion carried.
Presented a request for one unpaid personal day for Ms Steven. Motion by Kruger, seconded by Lenz to approve request, motion carried.
Board Member Lenz left the meeting at 6:22 pm.
Mrs. Koehne explained that the City of Adrian is looking for a Cross-Generational Event Coordinator to collaborate with the Adrian Public School Community Education Program.
Mrs. Koehne explained the City of Adrian has received a grant for a Farmer’s Grow Rural Education Grant and would like to involve the District in this project.
Mrs. Koehne is looking into a Sanford Community Grant for the fitness center
Mrs. Koehne reviewed the PSEO Policies, with the new law the policy has to be posted by March 1 of each year and also stated some changes to the reference guide and will be incorporated into our handbook. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Wieneke to approve these updates, motion carried.
Mr. Schettler explained the Math Corp PT application, with a District cost of $1,000 to service up to 12 students for 90 minutes per week. Motion by Kruger, seconded by Kunkel to application process and expenditure, motion carried.
Mr. Kruger presented his activities report. Requesting to hire Ben Henning as the Assistant Golf Coach. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison to approve request, motion carried.
Mr. Graff presented the Superintendent’s report:
Requested that the District advertise for quotes for painting the High School Gym
Presented the Resolution Accepting Donations with donations from Wells Fargo Foundation in the amount of $150 for the Scholarship Fund, and an Anonymous donation in the amount of $200 for the Food for Thought Program. Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison to accept all donations, motion carried.
Presented the first reading of the 2020-2021 School calendar. Reviewed and discussed options available.
Presented background information and funds guidelines for the Food for Thought Program. Motion by Madison, seconded by Kunkel to accept the guidelines for the program, motion carried.
Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kunkel to adjourn the February meeting of the Adrian Board of Education at 7:05 P.M., motion carried.