Adrian News – September 14


Congratulations to all the Nobles County 4-H kids!  There was a long list of the winners. So many received blue ribbons at the Minnesota State Fair. For those who do not like the Minnesota Fair, there were over 300,000 (one day) who do!  I missed it, but have so many good memories of the many years I have attended.

An observation I noticed after the funeral luncheon for Gert Berning. As the ladies in the kitchen were having their lunch, Grandson Bruce Heitkamp casually started to clean up one of the tables near me.  His lovely daughter saw Dad and then she started to do likewise.  That is what I call good parenting by observation.  It didn’t matter that Dad holds down one of Adrian’s top government positions, that day he was just a grandson and a father helping out.

Lets call the Adrian Football Team “the come back kids”!  What a thrilling game Mr. Strand and his “kids” gave to all the screaming fans.  Down by 20 points, those young men made up their minds to stick together and win.  Mr. Strand and his “crew” did a great job putting Adrian on the front page of the Daily Globe.

Don’t forget the library fund.  It is essential that we have a good library in downtown Adrian.

Enjoyed reading the column from the late Ray Crippen’s  “Isn’t that something.”  This last one was about Regina Phillips teaching for 56 years.

Adrian’s United Methodist Church had a great waffle supper last Wednesday.  All you could eat and did we all eat.  They also gave $1.00 per person to the library fund.

Heard Alice Hokeness from the Assisted Living Center attended the Volleyball game last Tuesday.  Alice is only 100 years old and she had a good time.

Lots of articles about the Bullerman Angus Farm.  For those that aren’t sure which family they are, I called the grandparents and they filled me in.  The family is Tom and Trish Bullerman and their two sons Trent and Tyler and they have received many awards and trophies.   The Bullerman Angus is known throughout a wide area of the Midwest.  Congratulations to a great ranch of award winning cattle.

Tony and Darla Parsley are again collecting good clean warm coats, jackets, boots, sweaters and hoodies.  They will have their small garage door open for the next month.  There is a great need for warm clothing in this area of the Midwest.

Curt Hendel had a great article in the September 7, 2016 Nobles County Review. Curt does so much for our Legion and for the Veterans.

Football and church dinners seem to go together.  On Sunday, September 11th the St. Anthony Church in Lismore had a large crowd for their annual fall dinner and bazaar. The beef was delicious and this writer had the best piece of pumpkin pie ever. The service was so good.  Many young people and couples working.  The Vikings won, making it a perfect day.

Don’t forget to come to St. Adrian’s fall dinner and bazaar.  Real mashed potatoes will be on the menu.

I was glued to the T.V. most of Sunday to watch the anniversary of the 9-11 tragedy of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.  Bitter memories for America.

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