John Erlandson is looking for information on a 1936 Chevrolet that was sold by his dad Ed Erlandson from Adrian Chevrolet in 1962. If you have any information or know of someone who might, call John Erlandson, (765)891-9939.
Dave and Marlene Hieronimous will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Sunday, June 9th! They will begin their day with a Mass at 10:30 a.m. at St. Adrian Catholic Church. There will be an open house from 1:00-3:00 p.m in the St. Adrian basement. Please join them and let your presence be your gift. Happy Anniversary!
Can you believe the Minnesota Twins? Let’s keep this hot streak going!
The Adrian High School classes of 1968 and 1969 are planning a joint 50th and 51st class reunion on July 19-20, 2019. Alumni may register at the class reunion website: or contact Dale Peterburs (1968, or Karla Krogman Gedell (1969,
Well the official start of summer has come and gone. The beginning of the weekend was great, but Monday left something to be desired. It really put a damper on the ceremonies honoring our fallen service men and women. The Legion programs were moved inside and were still well attended even though it was raining pretty hard at that time.
Traveling back from the Iowa lakes on Sunday, there was corn peeking through the ground in those fields that were planted. One positive note for the barren fields, when they do get planted, they are going to come up almost over night.
Our prayers continue for Molly Einck, Tucker Martens and Sandy Suedkamp. Molly is doing better. Mike and Melissa are staying positive that her new medications will help. Tucker is staying awake longer and beginning to move around- a real positive sign. Sandy is moving into a unit to get daily therapy, so that’s a great advancement for her. Please keep them and any other person you know that needs extra prayers lifted up before God.
School is out for the summer, so be sure to watch for kids! Graduations parties are under way. There were lots of cars surrounding the high school on Friday night for the graduation ceremony. Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
June 19th is the first Ecumenical mission work day here in Adrian. Be sure to contact David Kruse or Michele Wieneke from the Catholic Church, Julie Winselman from the Methodist Church or Deb Kroon from the Lutheran Church if you are interested in helping.
The St. Adrian parishes are hosting a rural life celebration at the Gary and Sharan Honermann farm outside of Adrian on June 23. There will be lunch, entertainment, fellowship and games following a 10:30 Mass. They ask for an RSVP to help estimate food amounts. RSVP to 483-2317 online at or on the sign up sheets at the back of the churches.
The weather for this week is supposed to be in the 70’s with some rain again in the forecast. Get out and enjoy the beginning of summer break. Be sure to use you sunscreen.
Thought for the week: We wrestle and struggle because of all that we are not, when we should be praising God for all that we are!
Have a great week!