Winter, Spring, Winter, Spring, Winter, turn your clocks ahead what next? Hard to keep track what time it is or season these days.
Coronavirus is spreading be sure to santitize we do not want it in Adrian.
Kailey Jones, Avoca, Ia has been named the Western Iowa Conference Player of the year. Selected by coaches in the conference. She was also named Junior of year by KMAland. KMAland posted that Kailey was in serious consideration for the Player of the Year and will be in the drivers seat next year. Kailey led the conference with 16.6 points and 12.6 rebounds per game this season. She was also named to the KMA Sports Western Iowa Elite Team, 3rd team All-State and 2nd Team All-State honors for Class 2A from the Iowa Sports Writers Association. Kailey is daughter of Darin and Kris Jones, Avoca, IA and granddaughter of Wayne and Sharon Jones, Harm Dammer, Pat Ritchie and Toot Ritchie.
Our sympathy goes out to Robert Krogman, Julia Mormann and Evelyn Reuter families..
Mark your calendars American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Adrian on Wednesday, April 22nd , from 1:00 to 7:00 pm at the Adrian High School. Anyone who is at least 17 years of age (16 with a signed parental consent form), weighs a minimum of 110 pounds, and is in good health is eligible to donate. First time donors are always welcome!
Congratulations to the the Aerials gymnastic team on their 6th place finish at State Gymnatic Meet. Congratulations to Jordan Kruger on her 1st place All-Around finish, 1st on floor, 3rd on bars, 4th on Beam, and 3rd on Vault. The Aerials have had a great year.Good Job!
Robins are being seen all around so Spring is coming.
Reminder to save the date for the St. Pat’s Steak Fry, 5:00 p.m at American Legion
Widows and Widowers Support Group. Meetings held at
2:00 p.m. at St. Adrian Education Building, Adrian, MN on the first and third Tuesday afternoons.
The Einck and Weidert families chose the weekend of February 28-29th, to give back to the families at Children’s Minneapolis in honor of Molly’s month. They delivered 125 tie blankets and two large totes of pop tabs.
Reminder to send your news and photos to Nobles County Review.
“Our friends see the best in us, and by that very fact call forth the best from us.” Hugh Black
Have a great week, Spring is coming.
PS: Happy Birthday Lisa Kruger on March 10.