Adrian March Madness is March 16

The month of March is often associated with basketball. In Adrian, each March the AHS Student Council hosts an evening of basketball fun to raise money for the various student council-led programs in Adrian schools.

March Madness 2017 is scheduled for Thursday, March 16 in the AHS gym. Again this year, the current varsity basketball, wrestling and hockey players will compete against teams of Adrian school staff and AHS alumni.

New this year will be a Girls Basketball alumni team made up of women who played for the Lady Dragons while they were in high school. That team, along with a team of female AHS staff, will take on this year’s varsity girls basketball team at 6:30pm.

At 7:15pm, the current Dragon boys basketball team will compete against a team of Dragon boys basketball alumni as well as a team of men from the Adrian staff.

The current wrestlers and hockey players will take on a team of Dragon wrestling alumni at 8:00pm to close out the evening’s festivities.

Make sure to come out on March 16 to see your friends, neighbors and possible family members relive their “glory days” at AHS.  Each year the crowd grows and the games become even more entertaining.

Prior to the basketball games, Arby’s roast beef sandwich meals will be served from 5:00-6:30pm in the concessions area outside of the high school gym. An Arby’s sandwich, chips and cookie will be offered and other concessions will be for sale as well.

All proceeds from the meals, as well as the admission to the basketball games, will be used to fund events in Adrian Schools such as Homecoming, Dragon Pride Days, American Education Week, leadership training, Students of the Month, Snow Week and many more activities.

Don’t miss March Madness, Adrian Dragon style, on Thursday, March 16!