Joyce Erdman and her daughter Gail Erdman of Primghar, IA and her grandsons Jaxon and Nolan Jonas of Fort Collins, CO, spent a few days with Gail’s daughter Danielle and Elliot Apland and Peyton, Abbie, Callie and Jewel at their lake home on Big Stone Lake north of Milbank, SD. Joyce enjoyed the valuable time with her family and all of her great-grandchildren.
Kaitlin Leinen was the guest of honor at a bridal shower at the Lismore Legion Hall on Saturday. Her aunts and future aunts-in-law hosted the shower. The guests listened and laughed at the ten reasons her husband-to-be, Colt Bullerman, will know he is married to a nurse. Another comical story gave advice for being married and everyone enjoyed watching her open many beautiful gifts. Kaitlin and Colt will be married on July 30th in Luverne.
Former Lismore farmer, Kenneth Rust, passed away June 29, 2016. A veteran of World War II, Ken also served his community as member and president of the Adrian school board, was a Past Commander of the Lismore American Legion and served as an Elder in his church. He loved the St. Louis Cardinals, bowling, golfing, and playing pool. He was named Minnesota State Farmer of the year prior to moving to Arkansas in 1980. Our sympathy to his wife, Marilyn and their family.
Don’t forget the St. Adrian Catholic Daughters Salad & Dessert Luncheon on Wednesday, July 20th! This year’s lunch includes some fabulous desserts! Serving starts at 11:00 a.m. in the St. Adrian parlors. Elevator is available on the north side of church. Everyone is welcome.
Guests in the Jerry & Mary Kellen home on Thursday, July 7th were: Veryl & Avis Stoffel, Bob & Jamie LeBrun and Vicki Kohorst. Following supper the group played cards and celebrated Veryl’s birthday.
Deb & Dave Lutmer spent the 4th of July holiday in Willmar with Deb’s brother, Donald & Terrie Dew of Minot, ND; and sisters, Carol Giroux of Wheaton and Donna Dew of Edmond, OK. They enjoyed a visit with friends, Jerry & Annette Gruber of Belgrade, at their cabin on Green Lake in Spicer. The family also visited the Traveling Vietnam Memorial at Robbins Island. This memorial wall is a 3/5 scale of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. It stands six feet tall at the center and covers almost 300 feet from end to end. It lists the statistics of lives lost as well as the youngest victim, number of fathers/sons lost, parents who lost more than one son, and other interesting but somber details.
Morgan Sauer, daughter of Barry & Kerry, was one of the Nobles County 4-Her’s who participated in the Interstate Exchange program. Morgan has been involved in the program for six years. She has traveled to Missouri and Texas but was unfortunately unable to attend the Ohio exchange. “Instead of just seeing places, you get to live it,” states Morgan. The Sauer family has been very involved in 4-H and takes every opportunity to educate others about the benefits of this great club.
Nancy Decker of Yale, SD and her grandchildren Jaycee, Ithica and Haven Groenewold spent a few days with great-grandma Joyce Erdman in Lismore.
Plans are underway for Old Home Day, which will be held on Saturday, August 6th. The Lismore Booster Club has a fun packed day of family games, food & drink, beanbag tourney, and street dance. Watch for more details.
Congratulations to Jake Diekmann & Kelsey Heppler on their marriage on July 2nd at St. Anthony Catholic Church. The Diekmanns make their home in the former Don Lacore home.
The First Presbyterian Church will host a burger feed fundraiser in the Lismore Park on July 23rd. The Cornerstone Quartet will perform from 6:00-7:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend. A free will offering will be taken.
Weekend guests in the Ken & Vickie Leinen home included McKenna Leinen of Canton, SD; Jen Stone and Xxander, Judy Brandt, Laura Darst and Leah Brandt, all of Rochester. They all came to host and attend the bridal shower on Saturday for their sister and niece, Kaitlin Leinen.