Legal Notice




JULY 20, 2020

1. A regular meeting of the Adrian Board of Education, Independent School District No 511, was called to order by Board Chair Wolf, on July 20, 20 at 6:00 P.M.

The following were present:  Board Members: Bullerman, Kunkel, Lenz, Madison, Wieneke and Wolf.

Administrators Superintendent Schilling, Principal Koehne, Dean of Students Schettler.

Board Member Kruger was absent.

Board Chair started the meeting by reading the declaration regarding limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Discussed the Consent Agenda.  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Wieneke and unanimously passed to the amend the consent agenda.

3. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comment:  Nobles County Review Representative Deb Kroon.

4. Motion by Wieneke, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve the Consent Agenda items.

4.1 Approve minutes from the June 15, 2020 Regular Board meeting minutes and the July 13 school Board Work Session minutes.

4.2 Approve Claims and Accounts for June 30, 2020.

4.3 Approve MSHSL application for pairing of Volleyball and Cross Country with Ellsworth.

4.4 Approve District Membership in the Minnesota School Board Association.

4.5 Approve the review of yearly District Policies.

a. Policy 410 – Family & Medical Leave

b. Policy 413 – Harassment & Violence

c. Policy 414 – Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse

d. Policy 415 – Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults

e. Policy 506 – Student Discipline

f. Policy 514 – Bullying Prohibition

g. Policy 514 – Internet Acceptable Use and Safety

h. Policy 616 –

School District System Accountability

i. Policy 806 – Crisis Management

5. District Action items:

5.1 Motion by Madison, seconded by Bullerman and unanimously passed to approve the Handbooks for 2020-2021.

a. Staff Handbook.

b. Parent/Student Handbook – Amending the Activities fee.

c. Activities Handbook – Amending Activities participation fees

d. Emergency Planning & Procedures Guide.

e. Kid Connection Preschool Handbook.

5.2 Motion by Wieneke, seconded by Bullerman and unanimously passed to approve the Technology Lease with Kinetic Lease for the approved purchases from April and to have the District pay and additional expenses from the General Fund

5.3 Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve the Resolution for participation in the MSHSL for 2020-2021.

5.4 Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison to approve Corporate Resolution adding Mrs. Schilling to the signature cards for the Adrian State Bank.  Motion passed 5-0, with Lenz abstaining.

5.5 Motion by Madison, seconded by Kunkel and unanimously passed to approve the Long Term Facilities Maintenance Budget Revenues and Expenditures Resolution and to approve the Long Term Facilities Maintenance Statement of Assurances.

5.6 Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Lenz and unanimously passed to approve coding of delinquent lunch accounts from school year 2013 through 2017 as bad debt, through the General Account.

5.7 Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Lenz and unanimously passed to accept the fuel heating oil bid from Adrian Co-op Oil Company.

5.8 Motion by Lenz, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to accept the propane bid from Ferrellgas.

5.9 Motion by Lenz, seconded by Kunkel and unanimously passed to amend the Notice of Assignment for Joe Kruger to include seven additional days pay for 2019-2020 contract and to add seven additional days pay to the 2020-2021 Notice of Assignment.

5.10  Motion by Madison, seconded by Kunkel and unanimously passed to adopt and amend the Superintendent Performance Review criteria and timeline.

5.11  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve the purchase of two Trident Cleaning Companions one for each building.

5.12 Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to table the discussion for a stipend to Joe Kruger for the integration of additional activities for the Community Ed Program.

5.13 Motion by Lenz, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve an agreement with Marco Services to assist in switching telecom services from Frontier Telecom to Vast Broadband.

5.14  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Bullerman and unanimously passed to update the pairing agreement with Ellsworth to include Volleyball, Cross Country and Marching Band.

5.15  Motion by Lenz, seconded by Bullerman and unanimously passed to approve an offer of employment to Eric Marten as a Building Custodian.

5.16  Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve the resignation from S Dohlmann as a Paraprofessional.

5.17  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to reassign JStamer to Boys Assistant Basketball Coach.

5.18  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to approve maternity leave request from S Voss.

5.19  Motion by Kunkel, seconded by Lenz and unanimously passed to hire A Gunnink as Assistant Volleyball coach.

5.20  Motion by Lenz, seconded by Madison to approve Robert J. Kunkel, Jr. as a volunteer volleyball coach. Motion passes 5-0 with Member Kunkel abstaining.

5.21  Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kunkel and unanimously passed to approve M. Wagner as volunteer football coach.

6. District Non-Action Items.

6.1 Principal Koehne and Dean of Student’s Schettler presented information on learning modules due to Covid-19 and potential restrictions following MDE and MDH Back to School guidance.

6.2 Superintendent Schilling presented her report presenting information on an upcoming abatement request and tax abatement communication, Title IX, Elementary Parking Lot on the East side of the building, with a Motion by Lenz, seconded by Kunkel and unanimously passed to contact DGR from Rock Rapids to explore possibilities to reconfigure the driveway.  Discussed building and grounds issues, including cleaning concerns, replacement of the Gator, and trade in the Kabota Tractor.  Updated the board on the roof leaks and repairs.  Discussed CARES funding and the potential need of classroom monitors for the fall.

7. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Madison and unanimously passed to adjourn the July meeting of the Adrian Board of Education at 9:15 P.M.

Robert J. Kunkel, Jr,

ISD 511, Board Clerk Renee Bullerman

ISD 511, Deputy Clerk