Legal Notice
Ellsworth, Minnesota
Monday, June 15, 2020
Chairperson Ryan Heikes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. A roll call revealed all members present. The Board of Education opened the meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Staff present: John Willey, Darcey Groen, Sara Leuthold, Rachel Kramer, Jenni Gaul, & Hanna Walters.
Visitors: None
A motion was made by Buntjer and seconded by Jenniges to approve the meeting agenda with two additions. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Lynn to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 18, 2020. Motion carried.
The Board of Education reviewed the Student Activity Fund.
Mr. Willey’s report included information on the graduation ceremony, school start next fall, summer project updates, swimming lesson update, student/athletic fees meeting to be held with Adrian, chrome book insurance plan & CARES Act funding.
Darcey Groen presented the Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Willey reported on budget information. A motion was made by Buntjer and seconded by Lefdal to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Lynn to approve the bills. A roll call vote was taken. The following voted in favor: Heikes, Buntjer, Jenniges, Lynn & Lefdal. The following voted against: None. Becca Dreesen abstained from the vote. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented the preliminary 2020-2021 budget for approval. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Jenniges to approve the 2020-2021 budget as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Heikes discussed some ideas for positive public advertising. A motion was made by Heikes and seconded by Lynn to spend up to $2,000 to do some public advertising. There will also be an open house in July with food provided by the Community Club. Motion carried.
Mr. Heikes suggested the Board begin the Superintendent Evaluation process. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Lefdal to begin the Superintendent Evaluation process. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented the notice of filing dates for school board election. There will be three members elected to the school board for terms of four years and two members elected to the school board for terms of two year. A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Dreesen to approve the filing dates for school board election. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented information on the FACS position. He will begin interviews this week.
Mr. Willey requested approval for the call for bids for propane for the 2020-2021 school year. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Buntjer to approve the call for bids for propane. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented information on the 2019-2021 Master Contract. A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Dreesen to approve the 2019-2021 Master Contract. A roll call vote was taken. The following voted in favor: Buntjer, Lynn, Dreesen, Jenniges, Heikes & Lefdal. The following voted against: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented a contract with Olson’s Pest Control for one year of bi-monthly services. A motion was made by Buntjer and seconded by Lefdal to approve the contract with Olson’s Pest Control. Motion carried.
Mr. Willey presented a resignation submitted by Jessica Albrecht, P.E./Health/DAPE teacher and a resignation submitted by Joan Wendland, Title I Paraprofessional. A motion was made by Dreesen and seconded by Jenniges to accept the resignations. Motion carried.
The School Board recognized the resignation submitted by Ethan Van Briesen C-team boys basketball coach.
Mr. Willey presented a contract with Alyson Gunnink as P.E./Health/DAPE teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Dreesen to approve the contract with Alyson Gunnink. Motion carried.
There being no further business Chairperson Ryan Heikes called for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by Jenniges and seconded by Dreesen to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellsworth District 514 School Board Clerk