Lismore News 10-07-20

Tony & Darla Parsley of Adrian are not only collecting winter coats but also accepting any warm clothing.  Items may be dropped at their home on Maine Avenue.

Ct. St. Bernard #886 Catholic Daughters will lead the Rosary on Wednesday nights during the month of October, beginning on October 7th.   Everyone is invited to come pray with them at 6:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s.

A “lending library” is located in the Lismore City Hall. There have been generous donations to the lending library.  Stop in, take a look, and borrow a book! The library has books available for all ages.


What is Socktober?? In October 2011, creator Brad Montague realized there was a large homeless population in his hometown and he wanted to

do something about it. He became aware that socks were the items least donated to homeless shelters. Brad took action, wishing people “Happy Socktober!” as he gave out socks on the streets. Word got around and people wanted to know how they could help.

Since then, Socktober has exploded!  Catholic Daughters of the Americas Ct. St. Bernard #886-Lismore will again support Socktober to help fulfill a need in our area. A tub is set up in the foyer of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church to receive donations of new men’s, women’s, and children’s socks.