High school football and volleyball start back up in October

At the regular board meeting on September 21st Adrian Schools Athletic Director Joe Kruger informed the Adrian School Board that the MSHSL had approved the playing of football and volleyball for this fall. For football, there would be a 6 game schedule beginning October 9 with New Ulm Cathedral. He said the games would be district teams, because that is what all districts are going to do. Fans would be limited to 250 not including essential people (team, coaches, referees, cheerleaders, etc). How this will be done has not been completely finalized. Volleyball coaches were meeting on Tuesday to discuss their schedule, etc. There will be a total of 14 games allowed. He explained there will not be any fans allowed for Volleyball. Junior high Football and Volleyball would be decided soon, probably following what the varsity sports did. The other events that go with the sports are being worked on. If the District is forced to a distance learning model, the sports would be discontinued also. The MSHSL will be meeting again on October 1 to address winter sports and post season.

Superintendent Molly Schilling is looking into cameras to live stream the football and volleyball games, as well as other events in the future. As the cameras are 6-8 weeks out, so she is exploring other ways to share the games for the public.

According to the Minnesota State High School League “the plan, which fits within COVID-19 guidance of the Minnesota Department of Health, will have an approved football season beginning on Sept. 28 with the first of six regular season games scheduled for the week of Oct. 5. Since Sept. 14, member schools have had the option of participating in fall training sessions. In the framework that was adopted by the Board of Directors, a planned two-week football postseason will begin the week of Nov. 16.

Volleyball will begin an 11-week season on Sept. 28 and member schools may play their first matches on Oct. 8. In the framework that was approved by the board, two weeks of postseason play would begin the week of Nov. 30. Like football, member schools have had the option of participating in voluntary training sessions since Sept. 14.”

We are looking forward to seeing our student athletes back on the field and floor. Best of luck on a safe and successful season.