Minnesota Rule 7020.2000, subp. 4 – Published at the request of Joseph Henning.

Legal Notice


Minnesota Rule 7020.2000, subp. 4




Notice is hereby given per Minnesota Statutes 116.07, subd. 7(a), that Joseph Henning will be applying to Nobles County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a permit to construct a new feedlot of 720 animal units.

The proposed feedlot will be located in the NE1/4 of Section 36 of Leota Township, T104N, R43W, of Nobles County, Minnesota.  The proposed construction will consist of one 2400 head total confinement barn housing finishing swine.  The barn will have an under-floor reinforced concrete pit to hold manure generated by the swine.  The final animal unit capacity will be 720 animal units after the construction.  The feedlot will be owned by Joseph Henning.

This publication shall constitute as notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the proposed feedlot as required by Minnesota State Law.

Published at the request of Joseph Henning.
