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Adrian Public School
Adrian, MN
Special Board Meeting
October 2, 2019
Board Chair Lenz called the special meeting of the Adrian Board of Education to order at 6:00 PM on Wednesday October 2, 2019. Members present: Bullerman, Kruger, Kunkel, Lenz, Madison, Wolf and Wieneke. Also present Superintendent Graff, and K-12 Principal Koehne, Activities Director, Kruger, and Staff members: KGrussing, J Hermeling-Reyne, G Harner and B Miller
No members were absent.
Member Wolf updated the board on the pairing meeting with Ellsworth that took place previously, to pair for Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Track and Field, Boys and Girls Golf. Motion by Wolf to approve the pairing agreement with Ellsworth, seconded by Madison, motion carried. The teams will be known as the Adrian-Ellsworth Dragons
Member Wolf gave an update on the AEA Contract Agreement with an 8.1 percent overall pay increase for the next two years. Year one includes a 3.9 percent pay increase, a hold on the teacher step, and no increase for health insurance. Year two includes a 4.2 pay increase and a step increase, an additional $300 to individual HRA accounts and amending the wording under bereavement leave. Motion by Bullerman, seconded by Kruger to accept the teacher agreement for the 2019-2021 teaching years, motion carried.
Motion by Bullerman, seconded Kunkel, to adjourn the Special October 2, 2019 meeting at 6:18 PM, motion carried.