Lismore News 1-16-19

There will be no American Legion Auxiliary meeting during the month of January.

January is National Blood Donor Month. The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Lismore on Monday, January 28th from 2:00-7:00 p.m. The blood supply is vulnerable particularly during the winter months due to inclement weather and seasonal illnesses. When you donate blood, you help save lives.

Maritza Beltran celebrated her confirmation at the First Lutheran Church in Worthington on Sunday, January 6th with Pastor Jeanette McCormick. Her prayer partner was Jeanette McCormick.

Congratulations to Orey and Carmen (Wieneke) Fey of Edgerton on the birth of their daughter Ryann Fay born on January 3, 2019. Proud grandparents are Steven and Laurie Wieneke of Lismore and Randy and Jan Fey of Edgerton. Great-grandparents are Elmer and Judy Wieneke and the late Red and Darlene Balster.

Ct. St. Bernard #886, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, is throwing a baby shower! They have a display set up in the back of St. Anthony’s church for donations that will be given to the Helping Hands Pregnancy Center in Worthington. When shopping for your own children or grandchildren, purchase a little something extra for this worthwhile cause! Donations will be collected until February 8th. Everyone is invited to participate with unwrapped gifts (clothes, diapers, baby items) or a cash donation. God bless you for your generosity!

Barb (Mrs. Gene) Reker is recuperating at her home in rural Lismore/Adrian following her recent knee surgery. Hoping for a quick recovery, Barb