Lismore News 3-28-18

The Easter Bunny is coming to Lismore on Saturday, March 31st at the Lismore Park and Lismore Fire Hall. Weather permitting there will be an Easter Egg Hunt in the city park at 10:00 am.  At 10:30, the Easter Bunny will make his way to the Fire Hall where he will hand out some candy and you can have your picture taken with him. This is just one of the many events the Lismore Booster Club sponsors throughout the year. Preparations for Bunny Day will take place at 7:00 on Wednesday, March 28th at the Fire Hall.

Dakota John is one of 36 recipients of the Minnesota High School League’s ExCEL award.  ExCEL stands for Excellence in Community, Education, and Leadership. Dakota, the son of Jim & Shelley John, received the award at the MN High School Girls Basketball tournament.  A junior at Adrian High School, he is active in many school activities, 4-H, and demonstrates a strong commitment to the community and helping others.  Congratulations, Dakota!!

Jeff and Jill Diekmann returned from spending time with Jeff’s brother Dale and Linda Diekmann at Fort Myers, FL.  While there they attended the MN Twins spring training camp.

Jerry & Mary Kellen spent Friday afternoon visiting in the home of Loren and Ardy Murphy in Faribault.  On Saturday they drove on to Randolph, MN to attend a train show. Due to inclement weather, they spent Saturday evening with Mike & Rhonda Kellen in Jordan and were happy to see their grandkids, Nick & Kayla Weber, Claire and Alex.  They returned to Lismore on Sunday.

Addison Adella, daughter of Adam and Samantha Voss, was  baptized on March 17th at St. Adrian Catholic Church.  Baby Addison wore her mother’s baptismal gown. Her Godparents are Aunt Natalie Bender and Uncle Scott Voss. A reception was held at the home of her grandparents, Gene and Rockie Voss of Adrian.  Addison’s “Lismore” grandparents are Jeff & Denise Lynn. Congratulations to all of the Lynn/Voss families on this special occasion.

Vickie Leinen celebrated her birthday on Saturday evening by dining at the steakhouse in Doon, IA.  Joining Vickie for the evening were her husband, Ken; daughter McKenna Leinen & friend Blake; and daughter Kait & Colt Bullerman and son Urijah. Happy Birthday, Vickie!

The nominating committee of the Lismore Cooperative Telephone Company has nominated Mark Loosbrock, Brad Lynn and Ken Leinen for their expiring terms as Board of Directors.  Contact Darwin Veld in writing by March 31st to make additional nominations