Legal Notice
Issued: January 25, 2018
In the Matter of the Applications of Nobles 2 Power Partners, LLC for a Certificate of Need and Site Permit Application for the Nobles 2 Wind Project in Nobles County
Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Docket Number: IP6964/CN-16-289 (Certificate of Need)
IP6964/WS-17-597 (Site Permit)
Date: February 15, 2018
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Wilmont Community Center, 316 4th Avenue, Wilmont, MN
Bad Weather? Find out if a meeting is canceled. Call (toll-free) 1-855-731-6208 or
651-201-2213 or visit
The purpose of the meeting is to provide information about the proposed project, the state’s review process, and to accept verbal or written comments on potential issues for the environmental report and draft site permit that will be prepared.
Project Description
On October 13, 2017, Nobles 2 Power Partners, LLC submitted applications to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) to construct and operate a large wind energy conversion system (LWECS) in Nobles County. In order to construct the Nobles 2 Wind Project, the applicant must be granted a certificate of need and a site permit from the Commission.
The proposed project would entail construction of between 65 to 82 wind turbines for a combined nameplate capacity of up to 260 megawatts (MW) in Bloom, Larkin, Leota, Lismore, Summit Lake, and Wilmont townships in Nobles County. Facilities associated with the project include underground electrical collection and communication lines, a project substation and interconnection switchyard, an operations and maintenance building, and permanent meteorological towers and gravel access roads.
The applicant has entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Minnesota Power to provide renewable energy for its utility customers in northeastern Minnesota. If approved, Nobles 2 Power Partners, LLC anticipates beginning construction in the 3rd quarter of 2018, and commencing operations in the 4th quarter of 2019.
Meeting Information
• The meeting starts on time.
• Arrive a few minutes early so you have time to sign in, pick up materials, and find a seat.
• State agency staff members run the meeting.
• Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce, and Nobles 2, LLC staff members are available to answer questions about the permitting process and the project.
• You may add verbal comments, written comments, or both into the record.
• The Department of Commerce uses comments received at the meeting and during the comment period to develop the scope of the environmental report and draft site permit for this project.
Submit Comments
Comment Period Written comments will be accepted through March 2, 2018. Please include the PUC Docket Numbers (16-289 and 17-597) in all communications
Comments received after comment period closes may not be considered
Please focus your comments on information that will help answer the following questions.
• What potential human and environmental impacts of the proposed project should be considered in the environmental document and the draft site permit?
• What are the possible methods to minimize, mitigate, or avoid potential impacts of the proposed project?
• Are there any unique characteristics of the proposed site or the project
that should be considered?
• Are there any items missing or mischaracterized in the certificate of need or site permit applications?
U.S. Mail David Birkholz, Environmental Review Manager
Minnesota Department of Commerce
85 7th Place East, Suite 500
St. Paul MN 55101
eFiling Visit, select eFiling and follow the prompts.
Fax 651-539-0109
Important Comments will be made available to the public via the Public Utilities Commission’s and the Department of Commerce’s websites, except in limited circumstances consistent with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Personally identifying information is not edited or deleted from submissions.
Process Information
PUC Docket Number IP6964/CN-16-289 and IP6964/WS-17-597
The Commission must approve a certificate of need and a site permit before the project can be built.
The Department of Commerce will issue an environmental report scoping decision, followed by an environmental report and a draft site permit. Upon completion of the environmental report and Commission approval of a draft site permit, a public hearing will be held. The public hearing will provide an opportunity for interested persons to ask questions and provide comments on the proposed project.
For all process information, see Minnesota Rules, part 7849 (certificate of need) and 7854 (site permit).
After the public hearing, the Commission reviews all the information in the record, including written comments and comments received at the public hearings. The Commission’s final decision on the certificate of need for this project is expected by October 2018.
How to Learn More
Full Case Record: See all documents filed in this docket via the Commission’s website –, select Search eDockets, enter the year (16 for the certificate of need, 17 for the site permit) and the docket number (289 for the certificate of need, 597 for the site permit), select Search.
Department of Commerce Project Website:
Project Mailing List Sign up to receive notices about project milestones and opportunities to participate (meetings, comment periods, etc.). Contact or 651-201-2204 with the docket number, your name, mailing address and email address.
Community Locations: The certificate of need and site permit applications are available at these locations:
-Nobles County Auditor – Treasurer’s Office
-City offices in Wilmont and Lismore;
-Township offices in Bloom, Larkin, Leota, Lismore, Summit Lake, and Wilmont townships, and
-Worthington Minnesota Public Library
Minnesota Statutes and Rules: This project is reviewed under Minnesota Statutes Chapters 216B, 216E, and 216F and Minnesota Rules Chapters 7849 and 7854, available at
Project Contacts
Department of Commerce Environmental Review Manager
Jamie MacAlister –, 651-539-1875 or 1-800-657-3794
David Birkholz –, or 651-539-1838
Public Utilities Commission Public Advisor
Contact Charley Bruce, or 651-201-2251
Public Utilities Commission Energy Facilities Permitting Planner
Michael Kaluzniak – or 651-201-2257
Nobles 2 Power Partners, LLC Project Contact
Jeremy Duehr – or 612-492-7413
Scott Seier – or 402-691-9510
If any reasonable accommodation is needed to enable you to fully participate in these meetings (e.g., sign language, foreign language interpreter, large print materials), please contact the Commission at 651-296-0406 or 1-800-657-3782 at least one week in advance of the meeting.
To request this document in another format such as large print or audio, call 651.296.0406 (voice). Persons with a hearing or speech impairment may call using their preferred Telecommunications Relay Service or email for assistance.