Ellsworth News – Feb 1

The regular meeting of the Ellsworth American Legion and Auxiliary will be on Wednesday night, February 8, 2017.  The Legion will meet at the CityHall and the Auxiliary will meet at the Oakwood’s apartments.

Another bad week of weather for us.  School was first delayed by two hours and then canceled completely on Tuesday and Wednesday it was two hour late.  Along with the snow was wind and low temperatures.  But the weather man tells us we have warmer +36 for Monday and Tuesday of this week and we will take it.

There is a lot of colds and flu going around.  Take precaution when you are out and about.  Also remember all that are dealing with sickness and remember them in your prayers.

Appreciation goes out to Becca Boom and Miles Birkett for delivering the meals on wheels this month for the Zion Presbyterian Church.