Legal Notice
January 3, 2017
Board Vice Chair Lenz, called the special meeting of the Adrian Board of Education to order at 6:00 P.M. on January 3, 2017. Members present Bullerman, Kruger, Lenz, Madison, Sieve and Wolf.
Also present was Superintendent Graff. Member Kunkel was absent.
Motion by Madison, seconded by Wolf to approve the agenda items, motion carried.
Mr. Graff made opening comments about the special meeting and explained the nomination process.
Motion by Sieve, seconded by Kruger to nominate Ed Lenz as Board Chair. Motion by Bullerman to nominate Chris Wolf as Board Chair, with no further action motion failed. Motion by Madison to cast unanimous white ballot for Ed Lenz as Board Chair, seconded by Wolf, motion carried.
Motion by Bullerman to nominate Chris Wolf as board Vice Chair, seconded by Kruger. Motion by Madison to cast unanimous white ballot for Chris Wolf as Vice Chair, seconded by Sieve, motion carried
Motion by Kruger, seconded by Bullerman to nominate Bob Kunkel as Clerk/Treasurer. Motion by Sieve to nominate Les Madison as Clerk/Treasurer, with no further action motion failed. Motion by Wolf to cast unanimous white ballot for Bob Kunkel as Clerk/Treasurer, seconded by Kruger,
motion carried.
Motion by Chris Wolf to appoint Les Madison as acting clerk in Bob Kunkel’s absence, seconded by Lisa Kruger, all voted in favor, motion carried.
Motion by Wolf to keep the salary for Chairman at $100 per meeting, Directors at $75 per meeting and $250 per year for committee assignments, Madison seconded the motion, motion
Motion by Wolf to set the meeting date and time to the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m., with the January & February meeting dates for the Fourth Monday at 6:00 p.m., motion seconded by Bullerman, motion carried.
Assigned Committee Assignments for January through December 2017. Motion by Wolf to approve and amend committee assignments for the 2017-year, seconded by Madison, motion carried.
Motion by Madison to appoint the Nobles County Review as the District’s official newspaper, seconded by Wolf, motion carried.
Motion by Wolf to set the bank depository for the District as Adrian State Bank, Kruger seconded the motion, motion carried.
Motion by Sieve to appoint Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, as our legal council, seconded by Wolf, motion carried.
Motion by Bullerman to approve the 2017 IRS Standard Mileage Rate at .535 cents for personal vehicle usage when a school vehicle is not available and .2675 cents per mile when a school vehicle is available, effective January 1, 2017, seconded by Madison, to approve new mileage rate, motion carried.
Motion by Kruger, seconded by Wolf to adjourn the special January 3, 2017 meeting of the
Adrian Board of Education at 6:37 P.M., motion carried.