Mimi Drenth, Rock Rapids, IA, was a Saturday visitor with Ruth Birkett and Skip Birkett.
Sympathy to the Mavis (Lenz) Arends family. Mavis died on Sunday October 9, 2016 at the age of 71. Blessed be her memory.
We had our first HARD freeze Saturday night. The leaves are changing their colors and dropping fast. Do you remember the hot dogs and marshmallow roast over a fresh pile of raked leaves?
The Ellsworth Chapter of the Red Hatters hosted the Red Hat convention held in Sioux Falls, SD this past weekend. They put lots of hard work into making this a successful event and had a very enjoyable time, making new friends.
Keep in mind the people that were in the hurricanes pathway. Some native Ellsworth people were not in real danger, but worrisome situations. Leon DeGroot from North Carolina, Lambert Heikes, Philippines and Lynn (Lenderts) Afu in Florida.